Wine: Merlot 100%
Production Area: Soleminis
Position of wineyard: 220 metres at s.l.
Type of terroir: medium clay
Cultivation system: guyot
Density of plants: 5.500 per hectare
Production per hectare: 70 Q.1\hectare
Average age of the vinestock: 50 years
Harvesting period: half October
Vinification: maceration on the skins for 10\15 days
Alcoholic fermentation: in steel
Mallolactic fermentation: performed in tonneau
Aging: 24 months in barriques, 24 months in the bottle
Alcohol contents: 14,50% vol.
Total acidity: 6 g/l. Red Dry
Package: boxes of 6
Bottle format: 0,75 cl, 1,5 1t